2 month check-up

All I have to say is "YUCK!". I am not going to enjoy these "milestone" check-ups anymore after Brighton's first set of vaccinations today. Poor little guy. If I wasn't such a proud person who hates crying in front of people, I know I would have started sobbing as much as he did. He was so good for physical - getting his totally invasive temperature check, bright lights in his eyes, probes stuck in his ears, mouth, and so on. He just cooed and smiled for the doctor. And his reward? Two shots in each thigh. It took forever to calm him down afterwards. It was miserable. But the rest of the time we spent with Dr. Cady was wonderful. He was actually reassuring with where B is at in terms of eating and sleeping. He debunked a lot of "promises" these sleep trainers offer - in teaching babies to scream it out, or trying to train them to sleep this early on. He said at 6 months we can start teaching him to fall asleep on his own & sleep more at night. But for now, we've just got an active little boy who needs lots of food and will keep asking for it every 2 hours or so. That's the kick & kaboodle you get with breastfeeding, he said. That actually takes A LOT of guilt off my shoulders thinking I'm doing something wrong or I need succumb to what others are telling me to do to "fix" Brighton's sleep issue. Last night he actually slept from 10pm-2am...what a beautiful thing for us tired parents :0)
And yesterday, we met the sweet lady who will be watching B those two days when Matthew isn't, when I head back to work in two Mondays from now. She took care of an infant last year for a girl who had a baby as a 19 year old. With two grown teens of her own, whom she homeschools, she knows a heck of a lot more about babies than Matthew or I do! Just meeting her was a reassurance for my aching heart that is dreading saying goodbye to B from that 7 hour stretch. Huge answer to prayer.
Also, I haven't forgotten about the weekend pictures...I just don't have tons of time at the moment to upload them. But hopefully tomorrow or Thursday I will.
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