No more froggy legs...

But with the growth and changes, this also means my maternity leave is drawing to a close. As I prepare to head back to work November 7th, my heart is definitely feeling the ache of leaving my new little boy. Hopefully, it will only be for a couple months, until we're able to go on insurance through Matthew's job and until I can find a part-time job where I can work mostly from home or bring Brighton with me. But even a few days feels like torture to me at this point. I know I'll be a sobbing mess that first day back. Please keep all three of us in your thoughts and prayers as that day approaches and as we make other arrangements - interviewing potential child care providers, attempt to find a vehicle to borrow for 6 weeks to ease our transportation dilema, etc... We're meeting with a couple on Monday who goes to the local seminary here in Philly who might be our match for childcare. But as sweet as this gal is, it still feels unbearable to think of handing B over at under 3 months!
Thanks for your encouragement and prayers during this time!
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