Yes, this will go in the collection of pictures NOT to show Brighton when he hits adolescence...along with the one's of him taking a bath with his mom or breastfeeding :0) But hey, it's a cute shot for now. For any of you all who've had tiny babies...you know how terrifying it is to cut their little finger nails that seem smaller than a pin head and as flimsy as scotch tape. I tried biting them like my pediatrician recommended, but I felt like I was going to bite the whole tip of his finger off. So then I tried filing them...another recommendation that failed due to the flimsy factor. So I finally braved the nail clippers and have so far not managed to nick his finger in the process...so far. I'm sure I will now that I've jinxed myself. I tremble horribly every time I set to the task though even with him sound asleep and dead to the world.
Today we had our first full day out, as I was helping WHM with their assessment of new missionary candidates. I helped in the Vision and Mission interview, which I loved. It reminded me of my own desire to be overseas in the future and being apart of reaching the lost in our generation as I talked to a girl who's possibly heading over to Spain next year. It's wonderful to be reminded again of who I am and how God has knit me together in those ways, in the midst of all the recent transition of becoming a mom as well. And B did wonderfully, sleeping and eating right on schedule throughout the interviews. Now if he'll JUST get that process rolling at NIGHT we'd be golden.
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