Fresh from the Tub

We've started a new routine of trying to keep him awake after he eats, instead of snoozing right away. Now that he's a month old, we're going to try to help him have a little more structure and HOPEFULLY help him sleep a little better during the night. These days I've just been letting him sleep through the day so I can join him. But I'm hoping that feeding him, playing with him for a bit and keeping him active, THEN letting him sleep, might help him understand day is for being AWAKE and night is for SLEEPING. Ha, I'll be months before he really gets that concept...or years, for you seasoned mothers with toddlers :0) But we thought it couldn't hurt.
This weekend, my best bud from high school is coming up to hang out with us which should be fun. She'll be the first of my friends to meet little B, besides our Philly clan. Here's our goofy high school graduation shot...ahh, high school ;0)

B's playtime is not so much fun for him at the moment. I think he's bored of the striped blanket I've been letting him stare at, so I better wrap this up. Enjoy the weekend all!
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