The final belly shot

He has emerged. We're amazed that all of that boy was inside my belly just a little over a week ago. And he was even a little bit bigger since he lost a few ounces those first few days! Yesterday he fell asleep in the Baby Bjorn so I decided to heed the advice of everyone and "sleep when the baby sleeps". So I just laid down in bed on my back and kept him in the Bjorn on my tummy. I couldn't believe how heavy he felt and how much harder it was to breath and that he'd been living in there at that size for a few weeks!

Today has been more encouraging as I'm learning to not be so scared of making mistakes and just enjoy Brighton. Yeh, he still poops on the changing table (three times in one change this morning!) and is hard to figure out sometimes, but we're learning. Slowly I'm starting to pick up on his cues and learn what his silly facial expressions are all about. One of our favorites is "Blue Steel"...he totally does the Zoolander look at least 5 times a day where he purses his lips together, cocks his chin and opens his eyes real wide. Not sure what that means yet, unless he's practicing to be a male model. Our new nickname for him is Meakus, thanks to Aunt Diggy :0) Matthew has a picture of it on his computer, so we'll post that soon.
Thanks for all the encouragement and emails. It's nice to feel apart of a community even though I've been indoors for almost two weeks now! Much love, Amy & little B
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