...the next post you get from us could be that our boy has arrived! As most of you know, the past few days have been pretty rough with frequent back pain, contractions, pressure down low, etc. Last night we went out to North Third to celebrate Matthew's 27th bday with a bunch of friends. I noticed then that I was leaking some fluid, which continued into the night. Then...this may be too much info if you're a man or queasy in general...my bloody show started in the middle of the night and has continue throughout the morning. I just spoke to my midwife and she said that most likely labor is approaching and just take it easy today as tonight will probably be the night. YIKES! I didn't think I'd have this much warning time to putter around and try and maintain some sense of composure! I took advantage of the morning and cleaned up the house until it got unbearably hot (yes, it's not even 10 AM yet!?). They're saying on the news it's going to be a scorcher this weekend. Hip-hip-hurray. We've got the ac units on though and will hopefully be able to find something distracting to do throughout the day that's not too far from home or the birth center. Matthew's at our good friends, the Beatty's, right now helping them move furniture. I'm ready for him to come home and get me out of the house for awhile :0) We'll keep everyone posted when anything happens, so make sure to check in again tomorrow. And keep us in your prayers these next 24 hours!!
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