
Want a challenge on your discernment skills?

Matthew and I have become big fans of the "Ransom Fellowship"group. They're the best collection of teachers on Christian discerment we've come across yet. Their insights are fresh and challenging that stray from the typical forumlatic way most Christians attempt to dip their pinky toes in culture. This website has amazing resources for being immersed in our world and culture, but not in a fake, wanna-be Christian way. They challenge Christians to get totally immersed...even in the frightening parts - movies that are uncomfortable, talks with friends feel disturbing and rub you the wrong way. If you have any time to breeze through the site, I'd highly recommend it.

Or better yet, sign up to start getting the "Critque"mailing. Check out the Archives and you'll be hooked. One of my favorite articles is from Issue #8 - 2000 called "Reacting: When We Aren't Discerning". A GREAT insight into how quick we are to react and not use the minds God gave us to authentically marry discernment with love.

But my all-time favorite from this group would be "Notes From Toad Hall", writings by Denis Haak's wife, Margie. She has an amazing talent to unearth the dredges of her own heart that almost ALWAYS act as a mirror to reveal my own issues. She writes with an honesty that is so rare among Christian women today, who seem to try so hard to be envied rather than loved. She has no shiny badges of honor to display - perfect life, perfect husband, perfect body, perfect children. She just dances in her daughtership to Christ through the struggles of life.

Take a few seconds and request these two publications. You'll pour over them, I promise...and if nothing else, it's better than getting bills in the mail :0)


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