Brighton's Room Up & Running
Today we spent a few hours sorting through shower gifts, organzing all the gear, hanging up some fun photos and overall getting Brighton's room ready to go. It's mind boggling to us that there are only 6 weeks to his due he could literally be here in a few weeks...or come September (let's hope it's not THAT long :0) You'll see some of the pictures we took below. Check out the hip bedding some ladies from my church in Charlottesville got us. It's from Land of Nod...a very cool, but pricey baby stop. The 3 panel divider was a teamwork effort by Matthew and I. Something to separate the kiddo-side from the study-space-side. All in all, we thought it came together nicely. We didn't grab a picture of the glider/rocker thing by the window, but it'll be a nice spot to sit and feed the youngun'. Although he probably won't spend too much time in there the first few months. We have an Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper which we'll attach onto the side of the bed to make night feedings a bit easier. Rolling over sounds MUCH nicer than dragging out of bed, trudging over to a bassinet or a whole different room, plopping back down, feeding the babe, then getting back up and putting him away. Not that either way is flawless and yes, I know I will be exhausted for the most part the first few weeks, but word on the street among those who've gone before us is KEEP THAT BABY CLOSE AS POSSIBLE! The less moving around, the more sleep :0) That's enough incentive to make us at least try it out.
So we're pretty much set on gear and just hunkering down now for the last home stretch. The guys at work threw me a "shower" which was pretty funny considering they're all between the ages of 25-43...and there's JUST men. They bought a cake that said "Happy Labor Day" (ha, ha) and a bag full of baby well as a $200 gift card to Babies R Us! We were BLOWN away!! What an incredible gift! Maybe these guys aren't that bad after all...if only they'd let me work from home more than once a week :0)
It's been a restful weekend thus far, besides the DMV saga this morning. I won't share that's too aggrevating for me to deal with still. Then we hit the gym for an hour and came home to clean things up. Tonight we're off to the pool with some friends and then to Chestnut Hill for a cuppa decaf at Labrador, a cute outdoor cafe. Hope you all are getting a blast of this cool springtime weather wherever you are and enjoying your weekend! Here are the Brighton bedroom pics:
For my shower, my friends put together a quilt (still being finished) with quotes from family & friends. As a surprise for Matthew as well, they made his quote into a matching pillow!

The crib area (window & glider to the right)

Our changing area with the panels we made and a linen shirt from Matthew's mom

A close-up of the cool bedding

A old family picture handed down from my Mom's side...and Matthew's first shoes sitting on top of those books
So we're pretty much set on gear and just hunkering down now for the last home stretch. The guys at work threw me a "shower" which was pretty funny considering they're all between the ages of 25-43...and there's JUST men. They bought a cake that said "Happy Labor Day" (ha, ha) and a bag full of baby well as a $200 gift card to Babies R Us! We were BLOWN away!! What an incredible gift! Maybe these guys aren't that bad after all...if only they'd let me work from home more than once a week :0)
It's been a restful weekend thus far, besides the DMV saga this morning. I won't share that's too aggrevating for me to deal with still. Then we hit the gym for an hour and came home to clean things up. Tonight we're off to the pool with some friends and then to Chestnut Hill for a cuppa decaf at Labrador, a cute outdoor cafe. Hope you all are getting a blast of this cool springtime weather wherever you are and enjoying your weekend! Here are the Brighton bedroom pics:
For my shower, my friends put together a quilt (still being finished) with quotes from family & friends. As a surprise for Matthew as well, they made his quote into a matching pillow!

The crib area (window & glider to the right)

Our changing area with the panels we made and a linen shirt from Matthew's mom

A close-up of the cool bedding

A old family picture handed down from my Mom's side...and Matthew's first shoes sitting on top of those books

Nice to see the photos of where the little one will spend some time--looks inviting. And I enjoyed hearing details about the party your employers threw for you. Happy Sunday. Love, MamaLou (the little shirt is made in Ecuador; I got it from Maria Virginia.)
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