Back from VA

Matthew and I just got back last night from an awesome weekend visiting the Hall fam in VA. We hadn't seen them since February, so it was fun to just relax together and be able to share the "growing belly" and Brighton's kicks. We drove down early on Thursday to stay with my high school buddy and her husband in Harrisonburg. Then headed to C'ville on Friday to hang out with my little sister, Emily. Monday we took a road trip to Richmond to purchase Mom's birthday/Mother's Day/anniverary ipod AND a new Mac computer. Matthew was beside himself :0) He helped Mom learn how to get music on her new toy which she's already thoroughly enjoying. Dad said he came out this morning to find her still in bed just listening to her ipod :0) I have a feeling we won't be able to separate her from now on!
Today, we're back to the grindstone. Needless to say, we weren't too thrilled about heading back to work this morning. But another break is on the horizon. In two weeks we'll be headed to the beach with my family again. Ahhh, we are definately ready for that trip! And Matthew gets off even before then when he heads out to Arizona next weekend to visit his best friend. So I guess we can't complain now that we're headed into some serious summer vacation time.
Everything looked great at our midwife appointment last week. We're now going to start meeting with Barbara every two weeks since we've entered the third trimester. She can tell where he's laying and everything now. Next week she said he should be big enough where she can show us how to feel where he is at different points. I think I already can for the most part :0) We confirmed his feet WERE right under my ribs...explaining the sharp kicks I get when I try to bend over. He's growing like a weed these days. I feel more pressure when he pushes his head or butt around especially. Now I feel him moving pretty much all the time, even if he's asleep and just rolls over or something. A sweet lady in my church in Charlottesville who is a nurse offered to do an ultrasound for us in June when we come down to head to the beach! We are SO excited to be able to see him again!! And at 30 weeks he should look a bit different :0) And the best part is that my mom and sisters will be able to come as well to see the show! How fun.
So that's the latest from the Philly Smith's. Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.
Amy: So good to hear from you, and to see the great photos. We had a good weekend, too, and a really fun time together on our Grand Canyon trip. Good to see your folks. When do they leave for England? Love, MamaLou
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