

They say you have bizarre dreams when you're I knew I was in for it since I ALREADY had pretty weird dreams anyhow. I don't know what it is about being pregnant that heightens the intensity and vividness in your dream life, but if they could capture that in a drug form, it'd be the new bestseller cause dream life is NUTS these days!

Last night BEFORE I fell asleep it became very clear to me that Brighton was in fact growing at an alarming rate. Those sweet little baby bumps in my belly are gone and are now replaced with full-fledged powerful KICKS! I just sat there in amazement staring at my stomach as it bounced all around...seriously, I couldn't believe how much activity was going on because of him! The feeling is getting more bizarre as the walls of the uterus get thinner and I can start to feel bony parts of his body banging around in there. I swore I felt his knee or foot gliding across a 4" section last night.

All that to say, the new experience of feeling literally rocked by his kicks turned into a pretty hilarious dream. I'm warning you though, it's weird so you can stop reading here if you get grossed out easily ;0) ...

So I dreamed Matthew and I were sitting there watching him kick when suddenly his foot literally came OUT of my stomach. We said "Aww, how cute, there's his foot" then we couldn't get it back in and we noticed his head was coming out of my stomach too?! So we called the hospital and headed over to the ER. The whole time I was so overcome with emotions at seeing our baby for the first time that I just kept talking to him and smiling and not really worrying that much. Then we got to the hospital and they just grabbed him out of my stomach and started wrapping him in packing tape?! Saying it would keep him warm?? Well he was panicking and screaming and so I started panicking and getting totally annoyed at the hospital staff. Then to keep him quiet they taped a pacifier into his mouth. Thankfully after that I woke up, but it all felt too real! Yeh, pretty strange. I warned you. I should start a whole different blog on my dreams...ha, ha. Every night it's some new story. A couple nights ago I dreamed I was a dolphin getting eaten by a shark and then I woke up in another dream and was interpretting THAT dream about how it related to being scared of birth. I know my friends are dying laughing now (especially those of you who've had to LIVE with me)...they know me and my bizarre dream life all too well :0)


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