
The Master Minds at work...hopefully

The problem in our household is that we have too many creative juices flowing and not enough time to see them through. But this weekend, HOPEFULLY, we're going to attempt to get some of these household projects done that have been hanging over our heads since...well, some of them, since we moved here last August!

First project is to paint a ton of canvases we bought back in Fort Collins. They're small square canvases that we wanted to paint simply with different shades of a few colors. We have an enormously long hallway currently and thought those could brighten it up some.

The second project is to finish the 3-panel room divider we started a few weeks ago. After shopping around, the cheapest one we found was still around $100, so Matthew decided to make one himself. It looks pretty dang cool, I must say. We'll post a pic when it's done...then start taking mail orders from anyone interested...ha, ha :0) My part in the project is to actually sew the panels, since Matthew created the wood frame part. The first set-back was that I forgot how to wind a bobbin on my new sewing machine and had lost the manual in the move. Matthew tracked down Kenmore and ordered me a new one which just arrived yesterday. Ah, so we're back on track!

The third project was also waiting to be completed with the arrival of the sewing manual. We bought some cool fabric at IKEA to make a tablecloth and some cloth napkins, since we were tired of going through bags of paper napkins at meals, which never seemed to get dirty enough to throw away...but would be gross to save :0) Yeh, who would have guessed IKEA has fabric? It's relatively cheap and much cooler than the stuff you'd find at Joanne's Fabrics or something.

Anyhow, I think that's mostly it. With our party last weekend, we were forced to get the last of the boxes put away and the rest of our pictures hung up, so that's done. We had an AWESOME turnout, by the way. It was so great to see the mix of people from all our different walks of life here in Philly. What a fun crowd! Thanks to evveryone who showed up!!

So we'll see how "productive" this weekend actually turns out to be. Knowing us, we'll end up sleeping it away. Last Sunday we took TWO Mother's Day before lunch and a two hour one afterwards. Ahh, we like to make the most out of our "Day of Rest" ;0)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there wife.
Comments are a GO!
I am proud of you for keeping this thing going. I know technology isn't the Golden Calf it is for me, but you have really made this your own thing.

I love you.


May 13, 2005  

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