3rd Trimester

According to my midwife, I'm now entering my 3rd and final trimester. Of course, I keep hearing conflicting opinions on when the 3rd trimester actually starts, so I'm not sure who to believe. Either way, I can't believe there are only a few months to go now. Here's a pic we took today of the 27 week belly. Still carrying pretty low and small, but I'm getting more okay with that fact since I haven't had some of the annoying growing pains others are complaining of. No side cramps or back aches or anything...yet. I hear I should enjoy that while it lasts!! It's strange to me to look down and see a very distinct line where my stomach USED to start and now where the baby is stuck on! He's getting a lot more aggressive and jabbing his elbows or knees or feet into my ribs, which is a new strange feeling.
Yesterday we spent the day in New York City hanging out with some of Matthew's friends from England. It was a beautiful day, perfect for walking around the city and enjoying Central Park. We saw an amazing exhibit at the Whitney by Tim Hawkinson, who's actually a Christian artist. Check out his stuff at the Whitney website: http://www.whitney.org/exhibition/feat_hawk.shtml
So we can home pooped from walking all day long, but feeling oddly refreshed after being in the city and around so many different faces and cultures. We continue to feel pulled towards the city and the work God is doing there...even if a bit apprehensively. I'm realizing my own flesh-ness likes comfort and familiarity - not dirty smells and grundgy streets. But I'm also realizing how small my life quickly becomes when I'm not rubbing up against humanity in all it's different facets. Matthew reminded me yesterday as we walked how God changes our perspective...and continues to give us a heart of flesh in replace of our hearts of stone. As He calls us deeper into that lifestyle and mission, He'll gives us hearts that break for the city and the people that they're made of. That's a great resting place for me when I want to change myself...instead of just waiting to the Spirit to work.
We're looking forward to seeing my family for the first time in four months next weekend. It'll be great to just rest with them over Memorial Day weekend. My parents and sister that is. My other sister is still in Costa Rica, due back in June, and my brother is here in Philly, so we've been able to see him a few times here and there.
Enjoy the coming week. Hope you all get an extra-long weekend coming up with the holiday :0)
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