Store Wars

Those of you who know us, know that ever since I went to my naturopathic doctor in Colorado and got off sugar and caffeine, we've unfortunately had our eyes opened to a whole new world of "food righteousness". It can get UGLY! "Real" Health Food store shoppers vs. Whole Foods clones. Strict label-readers vs. health-food wannabes. It tires us out sometimes to walk the thin line of being in this new food world and not becoming obessive like so many people we run into at our local co-op or health food store. We've made decisions for our family about products we no longer purchase and types of food that we eat, but the last thing we want to is look down on others because they "don't do it OUR way". Yuck. Those people annoy me. So we buy our organic dairy stuff, our free-range meats, and hydrogenated-oil-free snacks...but we're not one to turn down food from anyone so we don't talk about our beliefs about our food thoughts all that much. It is fun to find fellow food-geeks to delve into this stuff with every now and then though :0)
ANYHOW, long story to introduce this hilarious video...Grocery Store Wars. You'll have to watch it to understand how it relates to my musing above, but I came across it on a fellow-food geeks blog. It's basically a mock Star Wars, but it's the organic produce vs. the "Dark Side" (aka: typical grocery store products). Great commentary on this "food righteousness" world we've waded into over the past year :0) Let me know what you think!
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