Here's the latest growth of "Belly Boy" at 35 weeks and 3 days. More shots are on the
"Growing Belly Shots" page. Today my ribs are aching from his constant knee and foot action. I try to protect them sometimes and put my hand in between my ribs and his feet...but usually to no avail. He'll knock them out of the way with a powerful boot. He's going to be one strong kiddo! Besides the typical crampiness and constant braxton-hicks...I'm holding up fairly well...especially considering our no a/c and this wretched heat with insufferable humidity :0) Just a little over a month to go now...
Amykins: Active kid! You know, I can't remember either Matthew or Laurel being that active prenatal. I definitely don't remember Matthew kicking enough to make me uncomfortable. Sounds like Brighton may be a soccer player!
Love, MamaLou
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