Just a silly pic our friend, Coury, took. So it looks like we survived the week of our midwife being gone. She returns tomorrow evening. Let's hope Brighton doesn't get any smart ideas about escaping in the next 24 hours :0)

Here's one that shows off the ever expanding belly quite well since that's all you guys want on my blog these days :0) I guess everyone wants to get that last peak at the Belly Boy before he emerges and leaves me without a melon for a tummy anymore. He must be about 15lbs now...ha, ha...or at least it FEELS that way!
Watch out Matt! Hah. I'm looking forward to meeting melon-boy. I've been praying for your CX and am glad your midwife will be catching him :).
Hey, don't forget to post more of your friend's pics of you guys. You know us picture crazy people. It adds a whole new light on you and your world! Love you guys.
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