Brighton's kicking me in the ribs mercilessly. I can't find any position to save my ribs from this beratement. He's also got the hiccups, which usually last for 5-10 minutes and are so strong my whole belly jumps. At this moment, I'm annoyed and tired of it. And right now, that makes me I think I'll be a bad mom for some silly hormonal reason. I feel like there's no room left in my tiny belly for this full-grown baby...and I think he feels that way too. As his "being-awake-times" have turned into, what feels like, an violent attempted escape every couple of hours, with all his thrashing around. Come this Friday, when our midwife returns, I hope one of his escape plans is a success.
(Note: no, that's not my belly, just a funny picture I found online...we don't think it's real though)
rebecca said you were big, matthew says you're big....i want to SEE.
please, one more belly shot before B leaves the nest?
anon mom
Don't worry, more belly shots are coming! We just had a friend take a bunch of Matthew and I together, so we'll get them uploaded this weekend :0)
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