
our own T-Rex

Random shot Matthew took of me resting my Nalgene on my belly while reading in bed one night. Funny thing is that Brighton was moving around, making the bottle jiggle and water do that "Jurassic Park" thing...we've got our own little T-Rex on his way!

Last night was pretty intense and I finally thought this was it. I'd had back lower back pain that creaped to the front of my belly in the middle of the night accompanied with Braxton-Hicks, but last night was the most painful I'd experienced yet. I was up til 3am trying to move around and make them go away, but they wouldn't subside. I figured if this was "IT", then I needed to get some sleep and when they got worse, I'd wake up. Like my midwife said, no one can actually sleep through labor :0) So I forced myself to get back in bed and go to sleep. It took awhile, but next thing I knew it was morning...and no more contractions! Odd how that happens in these last few weeks. I was just glad I didn't wake up Matthew from his much needed ZZZ's or freak out and call the midwife.

Since I was still pretty crampy this morning, I decided to stay home from work and take it easy. Rest up after a night of early laboring and hopefully make a birthday cake for Matthew....just in CASE we don't make it to next week when he turns 27 on August 19th :0)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please put the black spandex back on before you deliver and do another profile shot! We must see the difference. Rachel

August 12, 2005  

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