pea in the pod
Today is Brighton's official due date...THANK GOODNESS he's already here and no longer the "Belly Boy". Soon we want to take the last official belly shot, of me in that black outfit, I started out taking pictures in, with Brighton held up to my belly. How wild that our son is still hasn't ceased to amaze me, even with all the lack of sleep and roller coaster of emotions these past few days have been. Last night we celebrated Matthew's 27th birthday with margarita's for Mom & Matthew and a smaller version for me. That's also when we let Brighton try out his new sling. Hopefully a new mode of transportation during the day so I can move around the house with some more freedom. He actually seemed to like it and it was super comfortable for me, so we'll see how it works these next few weeks as I get off the couch and up more often. Mom will be here a few more days, then it's just me and Brighton starting on Tuesday. I'm a little nervous about the change and how a new routine will develop in the coming weeks for Brighton & I. Matthew starts back at World Harvest on Monday, so I would love your prayers next week as I'm "on my own" for the first time during the day!

Brighton's favorite way to sleep...on his side next to his daddy or me :0)
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