Labor Day with the Grands...
Brighton is lucky to have three sets of "Greats" (great-grandparents, both on my side, one set on Matthew's side) and two sets of "Grands" (both our parents) and even a "Great-Great" (Matthew's great-grandmother, Gran). This weekend, he was able to spend Labor Day with one set of his "Grands", my parents who were visiting for a few days.

My dad was great with his grandson - rocking him to sleep and even getting him to stay asleep in his crib, and carrying him around in the Baby Bjorn during our walks to the neighborhood coffee shop where he & my mom were mistook for being the parents of B by a couple there since my mom was carrying him and Dad had the Bjorn on...pretty funny :0)

And of course, Mom couldn't get enough of her chubby little grandson - doesn't he look like a chunker in this picture!! Here he is snoozing on her lap in Chestnut Hill, sheltered by his daddy's hat.
Thankfully, Brighton's getting more and more used to his sling, which gives me free hands to do things around the house and offers me an easier alternative to the Bjorn if I need to run out for something - like a few groceries at our neighborhood coop, or dropping off mail in our mail bin down the street or taking a load of laundry downstairs. He usually ends up falling asleep in it after a few minutes.
All in all, we had a great weekend - enjoying my folks, enjoying our first time back at church and seeing all our friends, and closing off the weekend BBQing with our close friends last night and talking about life/relationships/and good movies :0)

All in all, we had a great weekend - enjoying my folks, enjoying our first time back at church and seeing all our friends, and closing off the weekend BBQing with our close friends last night and talking about life/relationships/and good movies :0)
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