Summertime boys got it goin' on...

Here's our little B in an actual "real" outfit instead of his massive collection of onesies. He gained a pound this past week (up to 9lbs. 2oz. as of Wednesday) so he's starting to somewhat fit into a few of his real get-ups. It's crazy how fast these little guys grow. We walked to our local coffee shop yesterday morning and saw another couple with their 3 month old baby. He looked HUGE compared to our little bean. Although I won't miss the sleepless nights, I will miss our tiny little one as he starts to grow and change and move away from being a helpless infant into a developing personality. One of those things that is bound to change is his sweet baby smell which is pretty addicting! I love when he's curled up next to me sleeping and I can smell his warm head against my face.
This last shot is the "Mommy's Trying to Blind Me!" one. Matthew was pretty annoyed that I took this picture so close with the flash. I hope I didn't permanently damage his baby eyes. Sometimes I think I'm a decent mom, other times I wonder why anyone trusts me all day with this kid.

Well Papa Smith has finished prepping the breakfast so I'm off to satiate my ravenous "nursing mom's appetite". Brighton is asleep in his sling on my chest and I'm bouncing on the exercise ball as I type this trying to keep him snoozing. It's a goofy picture, but a lot better than trying to blog one handed. Hope you all enjoy the long Labor Day weekend! My parents and little sis will be coming into town for another visit, which we're totally pumped about and my brother will get to come meet his little nephew for the first time :0)
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