Welcome Candelaria Margot!

HURRAY!! Baby Beatty has arrived! After many prayers, the sweet little Candelaria Margot Beatty has graced the world with her presence. She arrived last night around 11:45pm after a little over 3 hours of active labor. Way to go Maria & Geoff! They were able to have a successful homebirth with the same midwife who delivered our little B...even though she didn't arrive until Maria was almost ready to push! Little Clara was a healthy 8lbs. 6oz. We'll get more details when we're able to visit, but just wanted to rejoice with them and announce our congrats! We're so excited to have our "completed community" now here in Mt. Airy/Germantown. All three babies are here - healthy and ready to be lavished with love by all. Thank you Jesus for these three precious gifts! I'll try to post some pictures of the beautiful (I'm sure!) Beatty girl after we return from our visit this afternoon.
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