
Being loved...

Brighton has had an overdose of kisses and cuddles and smiling faces to entertain him this past week. It has been such a GIFT for Matthew and I. We were able to go out on our first real date this past Monday evening, (which Matthew is going to post about on the famdamily site when we get back to Philly and can upload some photos), and have been able to just jump in the car and go get coffee or meet my sister for lunch without having to worry about packing enough diapers, or wipes, or clean pacifiers. My parents have taken over "Brighton Duty"...even in the wee hours of the morning. Matthew and I are better parents because of it. It's amazing what a few extra hours of sleep will do. And how terribly we miss our boy when we're separated from him for more than an hour or two. So he's definitely been enjoying his time with his Grans. Pictures will be coming in a few days.

Other than having a great week of rest, we're also being ripped apart by the Spirit and the work He's up to in our lives. As we've begun this process of support-raising for Matthew to do recruiting with WHM and in a few years, hopefully, head overseas to Europe, we've had DOZENS of opportunities to doubt, fear, worry and fall into despair. That on top of me doubting, fearing, worrying about finding child care for Brighton as I head back to work in a couple weeks. We're realizing how puny & faithless we are when our boat gets rocked. We'd rather take the oars and try to fight the ridiculously huge waves on our own, than trust and rest in Christ - that He's the One leading us through all this. We just can't get it through our thick heads that we're his CHILDREN. We keeping thinking we're His co-pilots and that HE needs OUR help to make life "work". As our support coach reminded us yesterday, we are only doubting, fearing and worrying when WE think we know what's best for us or those we love. When we're trusting that ONLY Christ knows what's best and that we're clueless about what we need to "be okay" in this life, then we don't fear or worry. Because we know that He'll give us just the circumstances we need. That STINKS! I want to have an easy life, not circumstances that might make me grow or be stretched or where I'd actually have to depend on someone other than myself?! But what a richer, fuller life that would be than the safe bubble I'd often like to construct for me and my family. I rarely look back on an easy stage in my life and think, "Wow, I learned so much through that. I grew so much and became such a different person because of that." As much as I hate to admit it, it usually through the trying times, the times that feel like I just won't make it, that I look back on and am amazed at who Christ is to have graciously lead me through that and who He is making me because of it. So we've been spending lots of time wrestling with Him in our prayers and being wrapped up in His Arms in the process.

The exciting news is that in spite of my doubting & worrying, He is offering me some grace this afternoon and answering a heavy prayer I've had on my heart. I think He's provided a woman to take care of Brighton for us, just for these next two months that I'm returning to work. She is in a home group with a man Matthew works with at WHM and lives right near his work. So hopefully, if we can find a vehicle to borrow for the next two months as well, Matthew will be able to take Brighton straight to her house and I'll be able to pick him up in the afternoon! She is a mother of two teens, whom she still homeschools, and has nannyed infants before. We'll meet her the Monday we return from Virginia, so keep all four of us in your prayers as we get together that afternoon.

The other exciting news is that my dad & brother survived the triathalon...those nuts. It was a beautiful fall morning at Sherando Lake, but insanely cold to swim 1/2 mile in a mountain lake. I'm amazed they survived that first stretch! Then they had to bike mostly uphill for 19 miles, then run a 5k. Wow. What studs. We'll also post some pictures of that when we get home and get our card reader.

It's been an eventful trip and I could share tons of stories, but I'll leave it there for now. One humorous saga is that the yellow jackets are out of control here in VA this year. They've invaded my parent's basement where we WERE sleeping. Until Matthew got stung in the middle of the night, then I was stung right afterwards. Thankfully Brighton was safe. We're now in my parent's bed :0) Poor things. But man, we are L-O-V-I-N-G the king-size bed after all three sleeping in our tiny full bed. We feel like Brighton is halfway across the room in this huge bed! The downsize, when we return to Philly, won't be very fun :0)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friend,
it never ceases to amaze me how our Lord will take us through those valleys of temptation to reveal to us how great his love really is! as always, thank you for sharing your beautiful, weary heart. i am personally encouraged to be reminded that we are not alone in our struggles for faith and belief in God's goodness.

side note - i heard you bumped into Elissa and Noel in VA. how hilarious is that?! I'm so glad to hear your time with the family was so rich. what a blessing it must be to see the Lord blessing generations of your awesome family. i'm sure it was a greatly appreciated gift from God! Ah yes, it's the little things in life that God makes so sweet(kingsize, no yellow jackets, coffee). blessings to you all. love you, raquel

October 20, 2005  
Blogger Mary H said...

It's so great to hear that your time has been refreshing with the fam! You needed it! Please tell them I say hello . . . wish I could be there!
Kim has been waiting to call you until you get home, just so you know.
Let's get together soon! I miss you!

October 20, 2005  

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