The picture I posted earlier about being Home Alone was more telling than I anticipated. Last night we must have had an unexpected snow storm blow through Philly...or maybe it was expected, I just didn't pay attention to the news. It's that perfect kind of first snow that's not enough to disrupt your life, but enough to cover the grass and coat the trees.
Having been up since 5am this morning, B & I decided to get bundled up and headed down to our neighborhood coffee shop. I stuffed him in his bear bunting and had to keep shoving his little thumbs back in the whole walk, that he always managed to creep out, making him look like some kind of funky lobster/bear boy.
We love this city neighborhood we live in with it's historic twin homes, the growing business community just a few blocks away that just opened a tiny little bookstore, the Wissahickon park that creeps into the streets with its huge ancient tree limbs. But I loved it even more this morning with the fresh layer of snow. I know I'll regret saying that come March when the 20th snow of the year has hit, but the first snow of the season always has this romanticised quality to it.
Being as early as it was, we had the fun of being the first ones out and therefore getting to make the first footprints on the sidewalk. Well, besides the hoards of squirrels who joined us. What are they doing out in snow anyhow? If food wasn't an incentive, I'd be curled up in a warm nest somewhere. But they didn't make much of a dent in the snow, gliding around chasing each other like they had on miniture ice skates or something. One over zealous guy slide right into the bottom of the tree. I wished Brighton had been old enough to enjoy that site with me.
I think he enjoyed his first snow, seeing as he was exhausted and ready for his nap when we headed out, but his eyes stayed wide open the whole walk, staring around at blanketted neighborhood, or maybe it was the noise of my feet crunching along. He's now snoozing in his crib...argh, why can't he do that at 2am? We had a pretty restless night, with his stuffy nose and missing his dad. I know you might think I'm nuts, but I really think he can sense it.
I'm off to make the most of this opportunity and going to go scraped down the car and get ready for church. We're going to attempt the feat of getting our Christmas tree this afternoon before Matthew gets home. Hmm, should of done that BEFORE the snow decided to drench all the trees, but ah well. The drive home with probably shake it free of any extra snow. Hopefully. I had fun getting the rest of house decorated yesterday, for these two short weeks we have left here before heading west. When Matthew returns with the camera, we'll get some pictures of Brighton's first "Christmas home decorations", that he'll only appreciate when he's older going through these pictures. Or maybe he won't. But it was fun for me, none the less.

We love this city neighborhood we live in with it's historic twin homes, the growing business community just a few blocks away that just opened a tiny little bookstore, the Wissahickon park that creeps into the streets with its huge ancient tree limbs. But I loved it even more this morning with the fresh layer of snow. I know I'll regret saying that come March when the 20th snow of the year has hit, but the first snow of the season always has this romanticised quality to it.
Being as early as it was, we had the fun of being the first ones out and therefore getting to make the first footprints on the sidewalk. Well, besides the hoards of squirrels who joined us. What are they doing out in snow anyhow? If food wasn't an incentive, I'd be curled up in a warm nest somewhere. But they didn't make much of a dent in the snow, gliding around chasing each other like they had on miniture ice skates or something. One over zealous guy slide right into the bottom of the tree. I wished Brighton had been old enough to enjoy that site with me.
I think he enjoyed his first snow, seeing as he was exhausted and ready for his nap when we headed out, but his eyes stayed wide open the whole walk, staring around at blanketted neighborhood, or maybe it was the noise of my feet crunching along. He's now snoozing in his crib...argh, why can't he do that at 2am? We had a pretty restless night, with his stuffy nose and missing his dad. I know you might think I'm nuts, but I really think he can sense it.
I'm off to make the most of this opportunity and going to go scraped down the car and get ready for church. We're going to attempt the feat of getting our Christmas tree this afternoon before Matthew gets home. Hmm, should of done that BEFORE the snow decided to drench all the trees, but ah well. The drive home with probably shake it free of any extra snow. Hopefully. I had fun getting the rest of house decorated yesterday, for these two short weeks we have left here before heading west. When Matthew returns with the camera, we'll get some pictures of Brighton's first "Christmas home decorations", that he'll only appreciate when he's older going through these pictures. Or maybe he won't. But it was fun for me, none the less.
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