Oh Moooom!...
...can you please refrain from slobbering on me every time you come home from work?!
Guess I like to smother Brighton with kisses more than he likes to accept them these days. Today is my first day working from home...and what a disaster. We've been trying all morning to get my computer to connect to the server at work to no avail. We're stumped. And all it takes these days is a little grain of sand in my shoe to send me over the edge. Matthew just bundled up Brighton and himself to brave the cold and take a long walk to our friend's house so I could try to get something done.
So I decided to blog...ha, ha :0) Just briefly, mind you, before I try to tackle this computer issue again. I needed a break. After almost completing my first week of work with a new baby, I'm pooped. Working all day in the office, then coming home to a dirty house and baby duty is wearing me out. I went to bed at 6:30, yes 6:30PM, last night. And I'm still exhausted this morning. We need a whole lot of Jesus this morning...and a whole lot of coffee :0) I'm on cup #3 of the day...black, that is, b/c we're out of milk.
Speaking of coffee...here's a cool shot at the new coffee house in Chestnut Hill. We're always pumped to find a new, cool hangout.
So our boy is keeping us smiling despite these rough moments. Funny how kids can bring you back to sanity real fast. I'll be totally overwhelmed with life and go to pick up Brighton, who may be dying with laughter over how funny the ceiling squares are (yes, he'll lay in his crib staring at the ceiling slates & chuckling to himself...who knows why, he's a strange bird like his parents) and I can't help but break out in a smile. Guess kids can also drive you to insanity at the same time though. Kind of like being married :0) Sorry this picture is so dark, we're still learning our camera. Enjoy the weekend all!

Speaking of coffee...here's a cool shot at the new coffee house in Chestnut Hill. We're always pumped to find a new, cool hangout.

Amy Claire,
So amazing to hear from you. I had checked out your blog a few times in the last few months, but I hadn't taken the time to sit down and write. In fact, I often don't take the time to sit down and write about myself, and so I am really curious to see how this blogging thing will work. Do you enjoy blogging, or do you have to force yourself to keep up? Did it become addictive over time because I could see me getting on a roll?!
So have you heard that Matt and I moved to Paso Robles, California? I live about 4 minutes driving distance from Brooke! It is insane, and if you would have told me back in college that my dream to live near Brooke after college would come true I would never have believed it...especially not living here in California! Reading some of your blog you said you are spending Christmas in Los Osos...only a mere 35 minutes from us here. It would be amazing to visit...I am sure you'll be crazy busy, but could't we squeeze in a little visit for old times sake?!?!?
Speaking of seeing you, I read on your web back in May that you were in NYC the last weekend of the month, and you had gone to Central Park one Saturday. Well, I read this when I discovered your blog after I got back from visiting my brother in NYC that same weekend. We had planned on spending Saturday at Central Park, but last minute we changed our minds and stayed in Williamsburg/Brooklyn area, where he lives. Anyhow, long story to say we almost/maybe/could have ran in to each other back then!
It is so wonderful to read your blog as well as Matt's blog. I can totally hear you talk as I read your writing, and it makes me laugh. Let's keep in touch!
Amy Claire,
This is Susanna Rose(once Susanna Challies...I got married last September:), Maryanne's younger sister. I was looking at Maryanne's new blog and decided to stop by your blog from the link. You have such an adorable son...beautiful! Congrats and I love your writing style! Anyhow, just wanted to let you know I stopped by...
Hey Lina!! I'll write you back on your blog :0)
And hey Susanna! I just checked out your blog & "family site". Very cool. I think our husbands would totally dig each other. Matthew is a big computer/design/macintosh geek...or connoisseur, as he'd prefer ;0) Your husband's personal site is hip! I'm forwarding it on to Matthew. And I love your wedding pics. I swear, you and Maryanne could be twins! I know you're sisters and all, but WOW! Your wedding pictures look so alike! Thanks for writing. I'm glad I have another blog to check out now :0)
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