Home Alone

We were going to get our Christmas tree all together as a family last night, but one thing lead to another and it didn't happen. Matthew did drag up all the decorations from the basement though, so B and I will be able to tackle the house ourselves this weekend. Since we only have two weeks to enjoy any decorations before we head to California, I think B and I are going to go get the tree today as well. Guess I'll have to settle for a 5 or 6 footer so I can get it in the house myself. That'll be an interesting experience. Probably a humorous story as well. For those of my friends who laughed at me as I frantically re-arranged my dorm room/house...you can probably picture it now :0)
Well B just crashed, and since that's my cue to get back to work, I'll have to keep this post short. Thankfully I was able to get a good chunk of work done early this a.m. before we headed to the train station to spare some of my late afternoon hours. Stayed tuned for stories from the 2/3rds of the Smith family this weekend. Pictures will have to wait since Matthew took the camera.
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