Maybe it's the bear in him, but with this snow, B has been in hibernation mode (well, for a baby and for Brighton in particular). He's left his restlessness behind for the time being and sleeping a little more peacefully, giving his mom some much needed ZZZ's herself, at least more than an hour at a time like it had been the past week. I guess we can blaim that bout of restless sleep on the 4 month growth spurt and all the changes he's going through lately. Pushing up on his arms, almost rolling over, standing for longer, being way more vocal, and all out laughing these days when Matthew blows on his neck.
And the 4 inches of new snow was beautiful yesterday morning, even though it wasn't enough to keep me in my pj's working from home, like I'd hoped. But we were able to have our dear friends all over for chili, warm cornbread, and some good wine last evening, making it an almost perfect winter day.
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