Bad Smiths...

I'm sure we would get a rebuking from our support-raising coach who has been harping on us to sleep, sleep, sleep as early as we can in the evening, especially for last night. The last season of 24 was just released Tuesday and we held on to our last Netflix and put it in the mail on Saturday to make sure it arrive just in time for us to get the first disc of the new season. Which arrived as planned on Tuesday afternoon. So last night we sat down to watch one of the four episodes. Ha, RIIIIGHT. When have we ever been able to watch just one episode when the other three are waiting there taunting us. Last fall (when the previous season had come out) we must have watched 12 episodes in a row at one point since we had the 3 disc Netflix deal. We're ridiculous. We have no resolve when it comes to 24. Or maybe I have no resolve and Matthew just goes along with it. Either way, it was dumb move. I wasn't able to fall asleep for almost an hour after I went to bed because my mind and heart was racing. And every time I woke up throughout the night I immediately tried to figure out different things that had happened in that last episode. Ugh. It was like binging on Christmas candy or something. But thankfully B had a GREAT night last night, only waking up twice so I still got some good sleep. And hey, we've gotta have some fun amidst the craziness of this season of life we're in, right?? (Hmm, okay justification-Amy)
I can totally relate to the obsessive compulsive watching of 24 when more than one episode is in your posession! This past spring, we must have watched 3 seasons in only two months!!!! It was insane, but my justification is that we had had a crazy Christmas with my illness and we both needed major down time. But can 24 really be considered down time?
Oh, I am so with you on that...I'be been having binges on LOST...hmmmm...I think I'm intentionally not watching 24 for fear of how I might react - spending hours on end watching episode after episode! Ah, but there is grace for even 24 and LOST junkies... :)
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