Getting My Greens

So I haven't been able to eat anything green in awhile which I doubt is very helpful for the little bambino. I decided the other night I was going to MAKE myself eat something green, even if I had to force it down. I thought I had a brilliant idea...I would puree a box of frozen spinach and just drink it. Sounds pretty easy, right? Just like holding your nose and drinking your medicine when you were a kid. Well, if you've ever pureed a vegetable, you know it doesn't exactly more "sauce"ifies. I tried drinking the thick mush but practically threw it back up just by the consistency of it. I was making shrimp marinara, so Matthew suggested I just add the pureed spinach to that. Mmm, above is our creation. Not exactly appetizing for a queasy pregnant gal. But eating it the dark, watching a movie seemed to help some. Thankfully this past week, I've been able to start eating my spinach salad again...hopefully no more pureed spinach will enter our kitchen again. Our latest exciting news is that we just found an awesome apartment near my other two pregnant friends down in the city. So we'll all be having our new babies within a month of each other and be less than a mile apart! Great news anticipating this transition to working from home. God is good and is providing in ways for us we NEVER expected...from a wonderful home, to friends partnering with us in this journey!
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