Bizarre Dreams
I'm not sure how many of you gals who've been pregnant before have experienced this random side effect, but I have been having the most BIZARRE and vivid dreams since I've been pregnant! I won't go into ALL the details since they might give YOU weird dreams, but last nights was hilarious...I dreamed that I was at my normal monthly check-up when my midwife asked me to go ahead and deliver the baby so we could make sure everything was okay. So I did, and we both held the baby, checked it's heartbeat, etc...Then she said "Okay, time to go back in!" So I said "Bye little guy, see you in a few months" and popped it back in. Weird! The funny thing was that we couldn't figure out if it was a boy or girl yet. Hadn't quite GROWN those parts yet...ha, ha. So no revelation in my dream of what we're having! But we did schedule our 19 week ultrasound for the end of March. Who knows if they'll be able to find anything out or if we'll have a "private baby" who keeps it's legs tight :0) We're heard dissappointing stories about that, so we're trying not to get our hopes up too high about finding out if it's a boy or girl. But if the technician can tell, we want to know. We'll be sure to keep you all posted.
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